2012 Hobsons' Virtual Student Fair _ Aisa
UG=Undergrad; G=Graduate
Listing in alphabetic order of states
Arizona 亞利桑那州
American English & Culture Program, Arizona State University UG, G
California 加州
Alliant International University UG, G;
California State University Northridge UG
Claremont Graduate University UG, G
University of San Diego UG, G
University of Southern California Graduate School of Social Work G
Connecticut 康乃迪克州
Sacred Heart University UG, G
Florida 佛州
University of South Florida UG
Georgia 喬治亞州
Georgia State University Robinson College of Business G
Illinois 伊利諾州
Adler School of Professional Psychology UG
Illinois State University UG, G
Southern Illinois University Carbondale UG, G, ESL
Indiana 印第安那州
Kentucky 肯塔基州
Maine 緬因州
Maryland 馬里蘭州
Carey Business School: John Hopkins Carey School of Business UG
Massachusetts 麻州
School of the Museum of Fine Arts UG
Michigan 密西根州
Eastern Michigan University UG, G
Saginaw Valley State University UG
Missouri 密蘇里州
New Hampshire 新罕布什爾州
New Jersey 紐澤西州
Caldwell College UG, G
Felician College UG, G, ESL
Monmouth University UG, G
Rutgers University, New Brunswick UG
New York 紐約州
Alfred State College SUNY College of Technology UG
Clarkson University - School of Business G
CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College UG
Brooklyn College CUNY UG, G
Hofstra University UG, G
Iona College UG
Long Island University (Brooklyn Campus) UG, G
Long Island University (CW Post Campus) UG, G
New York Institute of Technology UG, G
St. John's University UG, G
Stony Brook University, State University of New York UG
North Carolina 北卡羅來納州
Appalachian State University UG
University of North Carolina at Charlotte G
North Dakota 北達克他州
North Dakota State University UG, G
Ohio 俄亥俄州
Miami University - Oxford UG, G
The University of Findlay UG, G
University of Cincinnati UG, G, ESL
Oregon 奧勒岡州
Pennsylvania 賓州
Harrisburg Area Community College UG
University of Pittsburgh, Katz School of Business UG
South Carolina 南卡羅來納州
University of South Carolina at Columbia UG, G
South Dakota 南達克他州
Texas 德州
The University of Texas at Tyler G
Washington 華盛頓州