Annual Counselor Conference


Although the overall number of Taiwanese students studying overseas has declined in recent years, those studying at the undergraduate level has actually doubled versus the number five years ago, from 556 in 2010 to 1288 in 2014 (full article). This trend is reflected by a similar proliferation of English-only and bilingual curriculums among Taiwanese high schools. We have also noted that Taiwanese students are choosing a broader range of destinations for their overseas studies.

The purpose of this conference is

to bring together college counselors from Taiwan’s international schools & bilingual programs to provide an overview of the overseas post-secondary system. This is reflected also by the increase in the number of English-only and bilingual curriculum among Taiwanese high schools. They are more and more local high schools offering international and bilingual curriculum, around 60 in total. However, counselors need more information about different education system to offer their students the most suitable studying abroad options.In recognition of these important trends, EnvisionRecruit began hosting this annual event in 2013 so that educators can exchange knowledge and observations regarding about how their peers might best prepare Taiwanese students for success while studying overseas. This is in line with EnvisionRecruit's mission to provide marketing solutions to help schools recruit international students and establish awareness in local markets while providing resources for local students, parents, and teachers to prepare for studying abroad.

EnvisionRecruit Annual Counselor Conference

The Counselor Conference is a one-day event in Taipei, Taiwan, including a networking lunch in between and cocktail party afterward. Usually, there are around 30 counselors participating, with a cap of 10 to 12 overseas education institutes as panelists.

Sample Schedule

Conference information

  • Date: Mar. 26, 2020

  • Venue: Taipei


USD 3000/ participant

Early bird discount

  • Register and pay by Dec. 31-15% off

  • Register and pay by Jan. 31- 8% off

Sign up

online registration

More information

Previous event Recap--here

Previous event photos--here

Or contact us via email, call 886-2-27646585, or Skype: envisionrecruit